Page name: Muffin Army [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-17 04:01:00
Last author: TipsyGypsy
Owner: ramada
# of watchers: 11
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2004-10-29 [ramada]: come on people list yourself

2004-10-30 [n/aaaaa]: you need to make a banner......

2004-10-30 [ramada]: good idea

2004-10-30 [ramada]: heres the badge

2004-11-01 [n/aaaaa]: I LIKE IT!!! ^-^

2004-11-01 [n/aaaaa]: ....But it needs to say our wiki page thingy so that peope can be like, "thats the shit!! im gonna join!" thats something i would do.... ^-^

2004-11-06 [crazzyfreak411]: more banners we need more banners

2004-11-09 [n/aaaaa]: yes, yes we do.

2004-11-10 [ramada]: i will work on some thing today

2004-11-11 [n/aaaaa]: coolio ^-^

2004-11-12 [ramada]: heres another one

2004-11-13 [ramada]: put the badges on youre house

2004-11-14 [n/aaaaa]: that ones cute!! I LIKE IT!

2004-11-18 [dominoe]: muffin army

2004-11-26 [dominoe]: lets eat em

2004-11-27 [ramada]: u cant there stale and they have feelings

2004-11-29 [dominoe]: there alive

2004-12-01 [n/aaaaa]: yes i have feelings, but im certainly not stale. Im fluffy ^-^

2004-12-02 [ramada]: u dominoe if youre not going to join or give helpful comments u have no propose here

2004-12-02 [Sonik]: (stale muffin) well, hello. The supreme muffin has arrived!!!

2004-12-02 [dominoe]: supreme muffin ?

2004-12-02 [Sonik]: Yes, that would be me *wink, wink*

2004-12-02 [dominoe]: stop kidding around

2004-12-02 [Sonik]: what do you mean?

2004-12-02 [dominoe]: u a supreme muffin

2004-12-02 [Sonik]: Of course I am!! I know the Queen Muffin herself (not kidding, by the way.)

2004-12-02 [dominoe]: watever

2004-12-02 [n/aaaaa]: yeah, hes my brother.

2004-12-02 [Sonik]: Ha, booyah!!!!!!

2004-12-02 [n/aaaaa]: lol ^-^

2004-12-03 [Sonik]: Just kidding, dominoe. *pats him on the back, sends him off to another college class break*

2004-12-03 [n/aaaaa]: luis, your inside guestures suck!

2004-12-03 [Sonik]: You suck!!! *kicks the crap out of her and leaves her in a heap of muffin mush*

2004-12-03 [dominoe]: ouch!

2004-12-03 [Sonik]: "Ouch", indeed.... ^_^

2004-12-04 [ramada]: u people r wierd

2004-12-04 [n/aaaaa]: what!!!! muffin mush??? How'bout u make me laugh, and go fall and snap ur neck! I'd have a GAY O'TIME!!

2004-12-04 [Sonik]: Talk about having a bad case of dementia *snorts*

2004-12-04 [Sonik]: *briings in a pack of freshly-baked muffins* Look! Children!

2004-12-04 [Sonik]: *They hiss at first sight of their "mother"* Broken Dreams, stay away! I have vowed to take your children away and place them in a nice, normal bakery where they will be bought for a respectable price and eaten... *pftts*


2004-12-04 [dominoe]: yets eat em

2004-12-04 [sprinkle junkie]: you know why pancakes are so flat? b-cuz they're sshallow! lol that was a bad joke but w/e

2004-12-06 [Radically Awesome]: Wow that ninja-muffin thing is so rad. :D

2004-12-06 [Sonik]: Presenting my muffin guest of honor, [Radically Awesome] muffin! *presents him to the assembly of muffins, clapping and cheering ensues*

2004-12-06 [dominoe]: weird

2004-12-07 [Radically Awesome]: *sniff* I promised myself I wouldn't cry...

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: * Several days later, Sonik, the unofficial leader of the Muffin Army, makes a startling announcement during a general conference of the muffin population...*

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: Order, order, in the congregation!! *ahem* As you, the respective members of the elite clan know as the Muffin Army surely know, our elite group of warriors has suffered a great loss recently due to the human's insatiable and ever-increasing desire for (the plunder kind, you perverts!). It has become very apparent that if we don't take up alms and defend ourselves, our entire population will be wiped out. Therefore, for the sake of all muffinhood and as the sole duty of the Muffin Army, I have decided to forge an alliance with the World Domination I/S organization. Presently, we are all working hard in order to meet our endeavors... 

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: * allows a long and unnerving pause to take place* take over the world!!! Hahahaahaha! *laughs maniacally, while the body of muffins stare at him blankly* Well, *ahem*, the manner in which this is to be done is still being planned, but by all means contact the leader of the World Domination I/S enterprise, [Furr], and give him your thoughts! Meeting adjourned!

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: ur such a loser luis

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: (whispers to her family) **[Sonik] was talking to me about this at was an OK idea..but what do u have to say about it my children?  HORNY MUFFIN!! STOP HUMPING THE BANANA!!!***

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: Like child...  *snickers*

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: SHUT THE HELL UP "BROTHER" !!!!

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: *walks in on [n/aaaaa] one moonless night, in the back alleyway of an unknown side-street, digging out of a trash can, attempting to fornicate with...* No, [n/aaaaa], what are you doing to those half-eaten muffins?!SOMEBODY HELP!!! MUFFIN RAPE!!! TYAN, STEP AWAY FROM THE DEAD MUFFINS....


2004-12-08 [Sonik]: Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the local psychotic muffin.....  :P

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: IS IT THAT GUY?

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: What guy???... I mean, it's you, stupid!!!   ^_^

2004-12-08 [dominoe]: huh?

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: i thought u were gonna intro. that one guy the one with a computer drawn picture of himself (lololol!!) in his profile. And he says he not house broken yet, and compares himself to a cute little puppy. And from what i know, he's very funny and has a sense of humor (unlike you) and is really cool. Thats the guy im talking about.

2004-12-08 [dominoe]: right...

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: who are u anyways.....?

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: i know my brother is madly in love with u, but ---who are you?

2004-12-08 [dominoe]: me i eat muffins for breakfast

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: Tyan, you retarded..... muffin!!!

2004-12-08 [dominoe]: sonik

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: uhh....JOHN!

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: I apologize for her odd behavior, [dominoe]... ever since she was a teeny-weeny muffin, it was obvious she wasn't going to be normal!  ^_^

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: HE DIDNT EVEN KNOW ME AS A KID!!!

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: That's right. She's an orphan....

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: and no im not bad news!! my loser brother is only typing RIGHT NEXT TO ME IN THE FUCKING COMPUTER LAB!!

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: GOD!! WHAT A LOSER!!

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: Stay away....stay away... I expel you to the cooking oven for a reformation!!!

2004-12-08 [n/aaaaa]: [Sonik] LIKES TO HUMP DEAD ANIMALS!!

2004-12-08 [Sonik]: LIKES TO HUMP DEAD MUFFINS!!! (look at comments yesterday...)


2004-12-08 [dominoe]: wow

2004-12-08 [Radically Awesome]: This place is heaven... :D

2004-12-08 [dominoe]: theres fighting

2004-12-08 [cant_get_out]: calm down children....luis tyan

2004-12-09 [Sonik]: *is held back by a third of the muffin population* Let me at her, let me at her!!!! I'll tear the muffin wrapping out of you!!!!! *manages to break free* Come here, you overbaked fiend!!!! 

2004-12-09 [cant_get_out]: *eats luis muffin*...ewwww lewis muffins taste like shit *pukes*

2004-12-09 [Sonik]: Actually, the "Luis muffin* you claim to have eaten was the rare but terribly despised "tyan muffin", which was actually disgused as myself to make my life a living hell. So there you go. ^_^ (sucker)

2004-12-09 [dominoe]: the horror

2004-12-09 [n/aaaaa]: well, actually im right here. And i was never really eaten by anybody. So uhh.....yeah. I like clouds ^-^  and my BOB. And that one hot guy, from college.......

2004-12-09 [Sonik]: Then, if that wasn't you or me, who or what was it? *curiously looks at the dead carcass, apparently blueberry flavor*

2004-12-09 [n/aaaaa]: i think u ATE horny!! GET IT?? ate HORNY MUFFIN?? LOLOLOL!!

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